
2nd PanHellenic Pilgrimage Tours Convention

2nd PanHellenic
Pilgrimage Tours

Pilgrimage Tours as a Lever for Tourism Development. The Case of Pieria.


Marios Travel, with great joy and honor participated in the 2nd Pan-Hellenic Pilgrimage Tours Convention that took place in Pieria, Greece.

Run from 25th to 26th November 2016, during which participants presented their ideas and suggestions with regards to the growth of Religious Tourism.

People from the ecclesiastical, academic, tourist and local institutions of Pieria participated in the two-day conference. It was organized by the Synodic Office of Pilgrimage Tours and the Metropolis of Kitrous, under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism.

The conference included interesting suggestions and discussions on the peculiarities and characteristics of pilgrimage tours. Their economic and developmental dimensions, as well as specific cases of areas and pilgrimage destinations.

All the presentations were adequately documented and supported by the relevant data and information. The convention touch all of Greece as aim was to develop and promote Pilgrimage tours across the country.

Our participation took place partially thanks to the kind sponsorship and support of the organizers.

We at Marios Travel would like to thank them hole heartedly for this opportunity. We’d also like to extend our gratitude to Poseidon Palace Hotel for the hospitality and for exceptionally organizing this annual event.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch... We would love to hear from you!
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